Home Fashion Adidas launches yoga collection with Wanderlust made from recycled ocean plastic

Adidas launches yoga collection with Wanderlust made from recycled ocean plastic


Adidas launches yoga collection with Wanderlust made from recycled ocean plastic
(Picture: Adidas)

When it comes to plastic pollution, Adidas is really leading the way for creative solutions.

Last year, the sportswear giant launched a range of trainers made from ocean plastic – and they were such a hit that theyve already sold a million pairs.

Theres clearly increasing demand for sustainable fitness clobber which makes use of a material thats choking our oceans.

Which is why Adidas has now launched an ocean-inspired yoga collection in collaboration with Wunderlust – each piece of which is made out of recycled ocean plastic.

In a similar way to the UltraBoosts, the Adidas has teamed up with environmental initiative Parley for the Oceans to create the Wanderlust range.

Adidas launches yoga collection with Wanderlust made from recycled ocean plastic
(Picture: Adidas)

Crop tops, bomber jackets, leggings and onesies have all been inspired by the power of the seas and every piece is infused with recycled materials – including Parley Ocean Plastic fabric which is made from ocean plastic.


Prices range between £32.95 for a crop to £59.95 for yoga pants.

Adidas launches yoga collection with Wanderlust made from recycled ocean plastic
(Picture: Adidas)

This is pretty big news, considering that the vast majority of sportswear is made from synthetic material like lycra which isnt recyclable. As we move further and further towards environmental crunch time, more brands are going to have to start re-thinking the way they make their clothes and the footprint each item has.

So hats of to Adidas for leading the charge against throw-away fashion and proving that with a little creativity, its possible to turn trash into high-performance kit.

Want to learn the basics of yoga?

Adidas launches yoga collection with Wanderlust made from recycled ocean plastic

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