Home Fashion Girl’s accidental optical illusion selfie is confusing the internet

Girl’s accidental optical illusion selfie is confusing the internet


Girl's accidental optical illusion selfie is confusing the internet
(Picture: @milanoysl/Twitter)

A girl’s selfie has gone viral after accidentally becoming an optical illusion.

Twitter user Marisol uploaded two photos of herself to Twitter to show off her outfit, where she ‘combined vertical and horizontal stripes’.

While we’re a fan of the outfit, it wasn’t her choice of clothing that grabbed the internet’s attention.

It was the fact that before fully opening the photos, the stripe down her trousers made it looked as though it was separating her legs – making one leg look like two.

Since being shared, the photos have gone on to receive 7,000 retweets and 41,000 likes from confused users

Seriously, the internet can’t get over the fact the photo makes it look as though the trouser stripe is a gap between her thighs:

for a second i thought the tan stripe on your joggers was the gap between your thighs and i ALMOST LOST IT

— aria (@IaviedeIuxe) February 24, 2018


— ???? (@breastimpIants) February 25, 2018

Im sorry but i deadass thought that ur legs were skinny af. But hey u look great in that outfit ^-^

— I LOVE BTS KAY BYE (@MusketeersXx678) February 26, 2018

And of course, it was only so long until people started editing the photo

Since going viral, Marisol has confirmed that the photo definitely does not show two legs – and that she is completely healthy with healthy-sized legs.

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Which is great – and what’s also great is her outfit.

Seriously, we are digging her fashion sense.

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