Home Fashion Take a trip to Tesco with this ASOS shopping basket handbag

Take a trip to Tesco with this ASOS shopping basket handbag


Take a trip to Tesco with this ASOS shopping basket handbag

(Picture: ASOS)

If carrying a standard shopping basket around Tesco just isnt fashionable enough for you, dont worry, because ASOS has got your back.

The fashion retailer has just started selling new handbags designed to look like shopping baskets.

The New Shopping Basket Cage bags are miniature square shopping cage baskets which come with a built-in fabric purse and a hoop handle.

The bags are pretty tiny, so dont expect to be able to fit a weeks shop in them, but theyre perfect for anyone needing to grab some eggs and a miniature carton of milk.

ASOS cage bag http://www.asos.com/asos/asos-design-new-shopping-basket-cage-bag/prd/9461071 ASOS

(Picture: ASOS)

ASOS might think its cute, they have to admit the bag is a little inpractical.

I mean, how are you supposed to carry that around on a night out without bashing into anyone? And it doesnt look like a very safe way to guard your items.

ASOS cage bag http://www.asos.com/asos/asos-design-new-shopping-basket-cage-bag/prd/9461071 ASOS

(Picture: ASOS)

And considering its £32 – yes £32 to look like youre heading into your local supermarket – you might as well just buy yourself an actual shopping basket if you really want to carry off that look.



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If you fancy doing that, you can find wire shopping baskets on eBay for just £5.81.

Just add in your own fabric and youve got your own DIY Shopping Basket Cage bag. Fashion.

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