Home Food Surprise surprise, millennials are being blamed for a drop in potato sales

Surprise surprise, millennials are being blamed for a drop in potato sales


(Picture: Getty)

If we had to pick any one food for life, were pretty sure it would be the humble potato.

Think about it, any incarnation of the spud is perfect; mashed, fried, baked. Its not just versatile, the popular staple offends no one with a dietary preference (vegans, vegetarians, and coeliacs are all on board).

But that hasnt prevented a drop in potato sales, according to agricultural experts.

Of course, millennials are being blamed for that drop.

For some reason, the much-loved spuds have decreased in sales by 5.4% since 2015.

According to the folks at agricultural website The Grocer, those aged between 18 and 34 are to blame for the dramatic drop.

The researchers jabbed at the millennial generation saying they opted for healthy, convenient and exotic foods over stodgy carbohydrates.

They added that the old tater takes longer to cook and you know those fussy, impatient millennials struggle to wait that long for a meal.

(Picture: Getty)

But the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) arent going to admit defeat. Theyve started the campaign Potatoes: More than a Bit on the Side to promote the starchy veggie to consumers, particularly women between 25-44.

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The campaign has advocated for potatoes as being versatile and convenient and commended them for being low in saturated fat and sugars as well as being a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin B6 and fibre.

Despite their benefits and deliciousness, potatoes are getting less love from millennials who prefer carbs like rice, said experts at The Grocer.

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They revealed that sales of rice have risen by 30% in the last four years and flavoured noodles have surged.

Seeing as microwavable rice only takes two minutes to cook, it makes sense that rice has risen in popularity.

But we still cant accept that the average millennial prefers rice over potatoes. Think of hash browns, roasties, chips. We cannot turn our backs on the humble potato and all its potential.

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