Home Food An ice cream sandwich pop-up is now open in London

An ice cream sandwich pop-up is now open in London


An ice cream sandwich pop-up is now open in London
(Picture: Mister Fitzs Finest Ice Cream)

When its a sunny day and youre hit with sugar cravings, an ice cream sandwich is an absolute dream.

Think about it: Its the joy of ice cream with the addition of biscuits. What could be better?

While well happily make do with shovelling ice cream between chocolate digestives ourselves, we are pleased to announce that London will play host to a popup entirely dedicated to ice cream sandwiches this summer.

Doughnut Time have launched their own ice cream parlour, called Mister Fitzs Finest Ice Cream, on Great Windmill Street in Soho.

Open from 28 June for nine weeks, the popup is serving up a menu of eight different ice cream sandwiches, alongside your standard cones and cups.

An ice cream sandwich pop-up is now open in London
(Picture: Mister Fitzs Finest Ice Cream)

Flavours include John Lemon, a pair of lemon scoops served between two vanilla cookies and topped with meringe, and Choc-ella Deville, made with Nutella ice cream, a Nutella Cookie, and a Nutella drizzle.

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Oh, and there are two vegan options, so everyone can get involved.

The vegan options are The Takes Two to Mango – mango sorbet with passionfruit coulis – and the Berry Rude – a vegan chocolate cookie shell with a raspberry sorbet filling and a sprinkle of crushed pistachios.

An ice cream sandwich pop-up is now open in London
(Picture: Mister Fitzs Finest Ice Cream)

If you dont fancy sticking to the menu, theres also the option of building your own ice cream sandwich with whichever cookies and ice cream you fancy. Drool.

More: Food

Prices for an ice cream sandwich start from £6.50, so think of a visit as an indulgent treat rather than a way to cool down every day this summer.

Mister Fitzs Finest Ice Cream is open from now until the end of August.

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