Home UK Woman attacked by fox that sneaked into her bed as she slept

Woman attacked by fox that sneaked into her bed as she slept


A woman has described the terrifying moment she woke up and found a fox attacking her in her bed.

Jodie Nailard, 22, managed to scare the animal away but discovered she was bleeding after being bitten at her flat in Clapham, South West London, on Sunday.

The fox had woke her up at around 5.30 am after chomping down on her bicep.

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Woman attacked by fox that sneaked into her bed as she slept

Jodie Nailard was attacked while she slept (Picture: Facebook)

Doctors later told Ms Nailard she had six puncture wounds on her arm.

My left bicep was throbbing with pain and covered in blood and I wondered what the hell had happened, she told The Sun.

Then I saw a fox at the end of my bed and I just screamed and burst into tears.

As I sat up I accidentally kicked it and it jumped off the bed and ran out of the door.



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METRO GRAB - taken without permission from Jodie Nailard's open FacebookEditorial decision to run - requested permissionWoman attacked by urban fox as she sleptFacebook/Jodie Nailard

Jodie Nailard suffered bite wounds to the arm (Picture: Facebook)

She managed to scare the animal away after kicking it but her boyfriend Harry King had to keep it subdued by throwing pillows at it.

Ms Nailard spent two days in hospital where she received a rabies, tetanus and polio shot.

People rarely get attacked by foxes in Britain so she was surprised by the incident.

Ms Nailard said the animal had walked in through her bedrooms open patio doors.

She added she was not sure if the animal had targeted her or it got scared after she moved her arm.

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