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What is on a Burns Night menu? Starters, mains, and desserts for a Burns Supper


What is on a Burns Night menu? Starters, mains, and desserts for a Burns Supper
Haggis, neeps, and tatties (Picture: Getty)

Every year, Burns night is celebrated on 25th January.

It’s a night honouring renowned poet Robert Burns, and is a mixture of food, drink, and poetry recitals.

Some are more formal affairs, held by Burns Clubs of Freemasons, and others are more casual experiences in people’s homes.

What they all have in common, though, is a delicious menu of Scottish delicacies. So, what’s on the menu for a traditional Burns Supper?

What is on a Burns Night menu? Starters, mains, and desserts for a Burns Supper
Robert Burns (Picture: Getty)


As people come into a Burns supper, Scottish music will be played. If it’s a more formal dinner, this will be played by a piper.

The host of the meal may also say a few words, and the Selkirk Grace may be said. This is a poem by Burns in Scots, and the lyrics are as so:

Some hae meat an canna eat,

And some wad eat that want it;

But we hae meat, and we can eat,

And sae the Lord be thankit.

Then, the first course will be served, which will usually be a soup. Scotch broth is common, as are cullen skink (made of smoked haddock and potatoes), or cock-a-leekie (with chicken and leeks).

What is on a Burns Night menu? Starters, mains, and desserts for a Burns Supper
Cullen skink soup (Picture: Getty)

Main course

This is the most famous part of the meal and is begun with the host or a guest reading out the Burns poem Address to a Haggis.

During this, guests will stand as the haggis is brought in, and toast with Scotch whisky before eating.

Haggis is a dish that contains sheep heart, liver, and lungs, as well as oats, onions, suet, and other herbs. It was historically cooked in a cleaned-out sheep’s stomach, but in modern times it’s often an artificial casing. As well as this, vegetarian haggis has also become much more common, replacing the animal ingredients with various pulses and nuts.

It’s usually served with neeps (mashed turnips) and tatties (potatoes).

What is on a Burns Night menu? Starters, mains, and desserts for a Burns Supper
Haggis (Picture: Getty)


After the haggis, there may be dessert or a cheese course.

If it’s a sweet option, a dish called Cranachan may be served. This is a mixture of whipped cream, whisky, honey, raspberries, and toasted oats soaked overnight. Dessert could also consist of a whisky trifle.

As an alternative, there may be a variety of cheeses with oatcakes and preserves.

What is on a Burns Night menu? Starters, mains, and desserts for a Burns Supper
Cranachan (Picture: Getty)

More: Food

After this, there may be Scottish dancing and general partying.

Commonly, at the end of the event, Auld Lang Syne will be sung and there will be more speeches and recitals.

MORE: When is Burns Night and what is in a Burns supper?

MORE: Burns Night 2017: how to make vegetarian haggis

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