Home Food PETA is asking Greggs to launch a vegan sausage roll

PETA is asking Greggs to launch a vegan sausage roll


PETA is asking Greggs to launch a vegan sausage roll
(Picture: metro.co.uk)

Greggs is an institution of British culture.

But if we were tasked with thinking of places to take a vegan mate for lunch, Greggs wouldn’t be near the top of the list. Their specialty is more along the lines of meat wrapped in buttery pastry than seitan.

PETA wants to change things (as they so often do).

The animal rights charity has launched a petition for Greggs do us all us veggies and vegans a favour by making a vegan sausage roll.

Imagine, meat-free pals. Imagine being able to nip into greggs for a pastry covered treat that doesn’t compromise our food-based ethics? Hooray!

‘Greggs says it’s “committed to doing the right thing” by customers, yet shockingly, it doesn’t offer any vegan sandwiches or hot lunch options in its 1,700 UK stores,’ says PETA’s petition.

‘The company claims to have been working for years on developing a vegan sausage roll – something already offered by Poundbakery, Sayers, and Linda McCartney Foods, among others. The time has come for Greggs to offer a plant-based version of this on-the-go favourite.’

PETA is asking Greggs to launch a vegan sausage roll
(Picture: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Well, we’re not going to disagree.

At the moment Greggs does offer some vegan menu options. They provide soya milk for hot drinks, and certain breads are vegan-friendly.

But that’s not really enough for anyone skipping the animal products to have a proper meal. Just the addition of a vegan sausage roll would make a pretty massive difference in opening up Greggs to veggie types around the UK.

More: Food

‘More people than ever are clamouring for healthy vegan options from their favourite on-the-go eateries,’ says PETA director of vegan corporate projects Dawn Carr. ‘PETA is calling on Greggs to heed this growing demand, add a vegan sausage roll to the menu, and watch the cruelty-free treats fly off the shelves.’

If you fancy getting involved, you can sign the petition on PETA’s website.

Greggs, if you do go down the vegan route, just don’t pop the veggie sausage roll in a manger. That didn’t go down too well last time.

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