Home UK Demand for Irish passports soars in the UK post-Brexit

Demand for Irish passports soars in the UK post-Brexit


Joe Roberts for Metro.co.uk

Demand for Irish passports soars in the UK post-Brexit
In Britain, demand for Irish passports soared by 28% (Picture: REX/Shutterstock)

More than a fifth of all Irish passports issued in the last year went to people living in the UK.

The surge has been directly linked to Brexit.

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The Department of Foreign Affairs in Dublin said a record 779,000 of the Republic’s identity papers were issued in 2017.

Some 81,752 Irish citizens in Northern Ireland sought the passport, an increase of almost 20% on the previous year.

While in Britain the demand for the documents soared by more than 28% to 81,287.

Demand for Irish passports soars in the UK post-Brexit
Demand in Northern Ireland rose by 20% (Picture: Getty)

The Department of Foreign Affairs said it received 785,026 passport applications during 2017 but it only issued 779,184.

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Simon Coveney, Tanaiste and Foreign Affairs Minister, said: ‘This is the highest number of Irish passports ever issued in one year.

‘It represents an increase of over 6% compared to 2016 (itself a record-breaking year), and an increase of over 15% since 2015.

‘The number of applicants from Northern Ireland and Great Britain has continued to rise.

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‘Overall, almost 20% of the total number of applications received by the passport service this year were from Irish citizens in Northern Ireland or Great Britain.’

People born in Northern Ireland have an automatic right to Irish citizenship, while British people with an Irish parent, or in certain circumstances an Irish grandparent, also have an automatic right to become Irish citizens.

Prior to the post-Brexit surge in interest in Irish passports about 50,000 Irish passports were usually issued in Britain each year.

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