Home International Macron vows to catch mob who launched frenzied NYE attack on police

Macron vows to catch mob who launched frenzied NYE attack on police


France’s top politicians have vowed to bring to justice those involved in the vicious beating of two police officers in the Parisian suburb of Champigny-sur-Marne on New Years’ Eve.

President Emmanuel Macron condemned the attack via Twitter after footage emerged online purportedly showing a female officer being savagely kicked by a mob while on the ground. “The culprits of the cowardly and criminal lynching of the police doing their duty on a night of December 31 will be found and punished. Force will remain the law. Honor to the police and full support to all officers basely attacked,” Macron wrote on Twitter.

Les coupables du lynchage lâche et criminel des policiers faisant leur devoir une nuit de 31 décembre seront retrouvés et punis. Force restera à la loi. Honneur à la police et soutien total à tous les agents bassement agressés.

— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) January 1, 2018

French media reported that the officers arrived on the scene shortly after midnight after receiving reports that around 300-400 people had forced open the door of an already-overcrowded private party.

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"A group of particularly virulent individuals attacked the police who had to use tear gas," Jean-Yves Oses, Director of Public Security of Val-de-Marne, told BMFTV. The crowd then attacked the officers, a captain and his female junior, with one eyewitness telling the French broadcaster that some even tried to take the male officer’s gun. Both officers suffered heavy bruising and have been given around 10 days leave.

Interior Minister Gerard Collomb echoed Macron’s comments, saying: “These savage acts can not have a place in our society. The President of the Republic strongly condemned them yesterday. We are fully mobilized to apprehend their authors. The investigation is progressing.” Meanwhile, Chief of Police for the Paris prefecture, Michel Delpuech, also condemned the attack.

#Champigny : je viens de m’entretenir avec les fonctionnaires de Police agressés.
Tout est mis en œuvre pour que les lâches auteurs de ces actes inqualifiables soient appréhendés et condamnés.
S’attaquer à nos forces de sécurité, c’est s’attaquer à notre République.

— Gérard Collomb (@gerardcollomb) January 1, 2018

Europe1 reports that videos of the incident posted to social media are being used by investigators to identify the attackers. At least three videos have emerged online showing dozens of youths kicking the female officer who is curled up on the floor.

READ MORE: Police march through Paris to protest poor working conditions (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

The incident is likely add to concerns amongst officers, already angry over cuts to police budgets. In September, groups including the Union of Independent National Police (UPNI), the Mobilization of the Angry Police (MPC) and the Angry Women of the Police (FFOC) took to the streets of Paris to protest against their work conditions and a lack of resources. RT.com has contacted the MPC for comment.

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