Home UK When is the winter fuel allowance paid for 2018?

When is the winter fuel allowance paid for 2018?


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As the weather gets colder, we all start to think about the cost of heating our homes.

It can get pretty expensive, which is why the government gives older people in the UK a helping hand.

As part of the winter fuel allowance, people born before 5 November 1953 can get between £100 and £300 to go towards their fuel bills.

Despite the fact its already chilly, however, the governments payment date wont be for a little while.

Heres everything you need to know.

(Picture: Getty)

If youre eligible for a winter fuel payment, its unlikely that youll need to claim.

The payment should automatically come to you if youre on a state pension or other social security benefits, and will arrive by 14 January 2019.

The amount youll receive will depend on your living situation.

For example, if you were born before 23 September 1938 and live alone, youll get £300.



However, if you were born between 24 September 1938 and 5 November 1953 and live with another person, your payment will likely be £100.

The amount can also vary based on whether you or your partner receive Pension Credit, JSA, ESA, or income support.

Before your payment comes through, youll receive a letter telling you the date and amount to expect.

It should then be paid into your account directly by that time.

If youre eligible but havent had any word about the payment, you can call 0800 731 0160 to query.

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