Home UK These are UKs healthiest and unhealthiest high streets

These are UKs healthiest and unhealthiest high streets


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Grimsby has been crowned the unhealthiest high street in the UK.

Edinburgh High Street has topped the list as the healthiest in a ranking of 70 high streets by the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH).

The research found that people living in the areas on the top 10 healthy list live an average of two-and-a-half years longer than those with the top 10 unhealthiest.

Freeman Street in Grimsby . REXMAILPIX.

Grimsby has topped a list of the most unhealthy British high streets (Picture: Alex Lentati)

High streets hosting too many unhealthy businesses like betting shops, fast food outlets and off-licences could be significantly shortening the lives of locals, according to the report.

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Shirley Cramer CBE, chief executive of the RSPH, said: While the face of the British high street continues to change, the environmental and economic factors that influence inequalities in health outcomes across the country remain stubbornly intractable.



Our “Health on the High Street” rankings illustrate how unhealthy businesses concentrate in areas which already experience higher levels of deprivation, obesity and lower life expectancy.

Reshaping these high streets to be more health-promoting could serve as a tool to help redress this imbalance.

She said local authorities were unable to reshape their high streets to promote positive businesses due to ongoing funding cuts.

UK's unhealthiest high streets

Blackpool High Street came third on the least healthy list (Picture: Getty Images)

The 20 least healthy high streets:

1. Grimsby

2. Walsall

3. Blackpool

4. Stoke-on-Trent

5. Sunderland

6. Northampton

7. Bolton

8. Wolverhampton

9. Huddersfield

10. Bradford

UK's unhealthiest high streets

The Royal Society for Public Health has ranked high streets in the UK (Picture: Getty Images)

11. Stockport

12. Coventry

13. Dundee

14. Doncaster

15. Preston

16. Darlington

17. Swansea

18. Middlesbrough

19. Ayr

20. Luton

UK's unhealthiest high streets

Edinburgh has been named the healthiest (Picture: Neale Clark/robertharding/REX/Shutterstock)

The 20 healthiest high streets:

1. Edinburgh

2. Canterbury

3. Taunton

4. Shrewsbury

5. Cheltenham

6. York

7. Brighton & Hove

8. Eastbourne

9. Exeter

10. Cambridge

UK's unhealthiest high streets

Cheltenham came in fifth place on the healthy list (Picture: Photofusion/REX/Shutterstock)

11. Bath

12. Bristol

13. Leamington Spa

14. Liverpool

15. Salisbury

16. Harrogate

17. Tunbridge Wells

18. Maidstone

19. Carlisle

20. Wakefield






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