Home UK UK Brexit minister Raab says open-minded on extending post-Brexit transition

UK Brexit minister Raab says open-minded on extending post-Brexit transition


LONDON (Reuters) – Britain is open-minded about extending the post-Brexit transition period if it means the European Union drops its proposals for the so-called Irish backstop, Brexit minister Dominic Raab said on Sunday.

Britain's Secretary of State for Exiting the EU Dominic Raab arrives in Downing Street, London, Britain October 16, 2018. REUTERS/Hannah McKay

“If we need a bridge from the end of the implementation period to the future relationship … I am open minded about using a short extension of the implementation period,” Raab told BBC TV.

“It is an obvious possible route as long as it is short, perhaps a few months, and secondly that we know how we get out of it and obviously it has to solve the backstop issue so that that falls away then as a possibility.”

Raab also said he thought a deal needed to be done by the end of November in order to get the legislation through the UK parliament in time.

Reporting by Kylie MacLellan; editing by John Stonestreet

Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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