Home Food Forget Vinegar, This Is the One Thing You Need for Perfect Poached...

Forget Vinegar, This Is the One Thing You Need for Perfect Poached Eggs


Ah, this explains A LOT.

Ask three Southerners how to poach an egg, and you'll get three different replies complete with a handful of different "secret" ingredients (vinegar! salt!) and tools (ramekins! egg-poaching rings! egg-poaching pans!).

But vinegar or not, swirling method or poaching pan, here's the most important thing when it comes to poaching your eggs: Use fresh eggs. Yes, those three words can solve a lot of hardships on your egg poaching journey since using "aging" eggs can wreak havoc on your Florentine dreams.

As EatThis.com explains in a recent story on the topic of poaching eggs, there's a scientific reason that older eggs don't fair as well in the poaching game: "As an egg ages, the proteins in the thick white disintegrate, and this decreases the proportion of thick to thin albumen [the egg white] from 60–40 to 50–50. (It also happens to increase your risk of losing a lot of your egg white to the water)," the article states. "In addition to the whites becoming more watery, age will also cause the twisted chains—known as the chalazae—that hold the yolk suspended in the middle of the white to weaken, which may result in a dislodged yolk when poached." Beyond the excellent taste, this certainly gives us even more evidence that farm-fresh eggs or our own backyard chicken coop are superior.

Now, need a refresher on the poaching process? Review the video below for a step-by-step guide and thank us at the breakfast table later.

P.S. while we have you contemplating the topic of eggs, here's why adding milk to your scrambled eggs is—gasp—a huge mistake.

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