Home International Restaurant slammed for ‘racist’ menu mocking Asian accents

Restaurant slammed for ‘racist’ menu mocking Asian accents


Restaurant slammed for 'racist' menu mocking Asian accents
Bamboozle restaurant in New Zealand has been branded racist because of its ‘juvenile’ choice of dish names (Picture: Bamboozle)

A restaurant in New Zealand has been branded racist because of its ‘juvenile’ choice of dish names.

Philip Kraal, the owner of Bamboozle, in Christchurch, was criticised for the restaurant’s menu, which includes dishes titled ‘chirri garrik an prawn dumpring’ and ‘pang pang cori frower’.

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Twitter user Alice Galletly shared a picture of the menu on her feed with the caption: ‘Ho lee phuk, the menu for Bamboozle restaurant is some super juvenile racist trash!’

A large number of the items exchange the letters ‘l’ and ‘r’, which appear to mock the way some Asian accents sound to English speakers.

Restaurant slammed for 'racist' menu mocking Asian accents
The dish names has since sparked outrage across the country. (Picture: Google)

One such dish is the ‘dumpring’ and ‘sarad’ menu choices, while another vegetarian dish is named ‘lac king pro teen’.

The dish names has since sparked outrage across the country.

Yet surprisingly, owner Kraal has defended his decision despite the angry backlash, saying: ‘Pretty much every one of our customers enjoys the written menu.’

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Restaurant slammed for 'racist' menu mocking Asian accents
It is not the first time Kraal has sparked controversy over his menu descriptions. (Picture: Bamboozle)

It is not the first time Kraal has sparked controversy over his menu descriptions.

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According to the New Zealand Herald, he described a chicken, brie and sweetcorn pie on his Crumpet Club menu as ‘slightly gay, I know, but oh so tasty’ in 2009.

Back then, he also defended the dish, saying: ‘We serve the gay community just like any other group.

‘You can’t please everyone all the time though.’

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