Home International Russia berates US for UN meeting on Iran

Russia berates US for UN meeting on Iran


Russia has fiercely criticised the US for convening the UN Security Council over protests in Iran.

Russia's envoy Vassily Nebenzia said Iran should be left to "deal with its own problems" and that involving the council in an "internal affair" damaged the top body.

Minutes earlier, US Ambassador Nikki Haley praised the protests as a "powerful exhibition of brave people".

She said Iran was "on notice" and that the world was watching.

Iran's Ambassador Gholamali Khoshroo responded that the US was abusing its power as a permanent member of the council and had "lost every shred of moral, political and legal authority and credibility in the eyes of the whole world".

His Foreign Minister Javad Zarif tweeted to say that the Security Council had "rebuffed the US' naked attempt to hijack its mandate".

Skip Twitter post by @JZarif

The UNSC rebuffed the US' naked attempt to hijack its mandate. Majority emphasized the need to fully implement the JCPOA and to refrain from interfering in internal affairs of others. Another FP blunder for the Trump administration. Iran's statement: https://t.co/QsbihBW69V

— Javad Zarif (@JZarif) January 5, 2018

End of Twitter post by @JZarif

At the meeting, France said any interference in Iran's affairs would be counter-productive and that recent protests there, while worrying, did not threaten international peace and security.

Ambassador Francois Delattre said the international community must commit to fully implementing the nuclear agreement with Iran – which the Trump administration has refused to recertify.

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