Home Health Hospital apologises after baby’s skull cut in Caesarean

Hospital apologises after baby’s skull cut in Caesarean


A hospital trust has apologised after a baby died following a cut to his skull during an emergency Caesarean section.

Carson Allen died three hours after being born at Nottingham City Hospital in July, 2013.

An inquest in 2014 recorded a verdict of accidental death, with the coroner criticising the hospital trust for its "woefully inadequate" investigation.

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust has now settled a claim of clinical negligence.

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The trust has agreed to pay Carson's family an undisclosed sum.

Claire Smith, Carson's mother, said she only found during the post-mortem examination that the cut to her son's head was caused by a scalpel and described the hospital's care as "absolutely horrendous".

"As if losing my baby wasn't enough, I have been put through hell fighting for the reassurance that I could not have prevented my baby son's death," she said.

"It has been the worst experience of my life and I doubt my family will ever get over our loss."

Dr Lucy Kean, head of service for obstetrics and gynaecology at the trust, apologised for the "shortfalls" in Carson's care.

"[We are] mindful that no words or amount of money can undo the harm and distress the family have experienced," she said.

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