Home Health The Importance of Vitamin “D” on Young Children

The Importance of Vitamin “D” on Young Children


During childhood, vitamin D plays a vital role in skeletal development and bone health. It is produced by the body through sunlight exposure. However, most children aren’t getting enough of this vitamin from their food alone.

Vitamin D deficiency is known to cause rickets. Rickets can lead to fractures and delayed motor development. Fortunately, it can be prevented. In addition, vitamin D deficiency in adults has been associated with osteoporosis and heart disease. Nevertheless, there is little scientific evidence about how vitamin D deficiency affects younger children.

One of the best ways to know whether your child is getting enough vitamin D is to ask your doctor. He or she can order a blood test to determine your child’s vitamin D levels.

Vitamin D is also important for maintaining strong bones in older children and adults. Some studies have suggested that increased physical activity may be linked to an increased level of vitamin D. Children who are overweight, have celiac disease or are taking anti-epileptic drugs are at increased risk for vitamin D deficiency.

Most paediatric bone specialists believe that a vitamin D level of greater than 20 ng/mL of 25(OH)D is appropriate for most children. The European Food Safety Authority has endorsed an upper limit of the recommended intake for children.

If your child isn’t getting enough vitamin D, there are many ways you can help them get it. For example, some milk products, cereals and orange juice are fortified with it. You can also add foods that are naturally rich in vitamin D, such as egg yolks, fatty fish and mushrooms.

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