Home UK Dating coach: The key to an amicable divorce

Dating coach: The key to an amicable divorce


As the government looks to overhaul divorce laws to end the "blame game" in marital splits, relationship coach Jo Barnett explains why personal experience has taught her the end of a marriage does not have to turn nasty.

Jo starts off by looking at the way the world's richest man, Jeff Bezos, announced his divorce from wife MacKenzie:

The way Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos announced their divorce was delightfully delivered.

They were able to share with us their continued devotion and friendship while deciding to divorce with dignity.

It could be argued that only wealthy people can divorce amicably because there is plenty of money to go around, and therefore less need to squabble.


But, that said, it is a testament to both Jeff and MacKenzie that they are holding up a united front and supporting one another.

Image: Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and his wife MacKenzie are divorcing

Speaking from personal experience, divorce does not have to be nasty and it can be quite cathartic.

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As a relationship expert, I help people turn their relationships around – something I was able to do myself when I divorced after seven years of marriage.

At the time, my then-husband and I had two lovely young kids – who are now grown up – and we were adamant they would be put first.

We worked together with a mediator and learnt that although we wanted the best for our family, we were just not working as life partners.

We both took responsibility for our share in the breakdown in the marriage and we were able to part with peace and empathy for each other.

To me, this was the key to us moving forward.

Still to this day people comment on how well we get along and how amazing it is that we remained friends.

Over the years I've had a lot of support from my ex.

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Image: Chris Martin joined ex-wife Gwyneth Paltrow on her honeymoon with her new husband

When one of the kids had a problem, I would be able to call him and he would come round to help with parenting.

On our children's birthdays, and eveRead More – Source


Sky News


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