Home UK Signalman sacked for taking 20-minute break during rush hour

Signalman sacked for taking 20-minute break during rush hour


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A railway signalman says he was sacked by Network Rail for taking a 20-minute break during a shift.

Peter Lee, who has 44 years of service under his belt, was fired for gross misconduct after bosses found that he took the break at the height of the weekday rush hour.

Peter, who is being backed by the RMT union, was working at Arundel station in West Sussex which is used by Southern Rail.

Signalman sacked for taking 20-minute break during rush hour

Peter Lee, 60, was sacked by Network Rail for taking a tea break during rush hour (Picture: SWNS)

He said that he took the break in January because his shift was more than six hours long, but Network Rail did not accept the 60-year-olds reason.

He had tried to take the tea break three hours into his 2pm to 10pm shift.

Peter fought for breaks for staff for eight years and in 2015 won a grievance case giving signal staff the right to rest breaks.



Members of the RMT are now considering strike action over the sacking and on Monday they staged a demonstration against his sacking.

The Working Time Regulations Act 1998 states anyone working more than six hours at a time is entitled to a 20-minute rest break.

Peter told his line manager four days before the incident that he would be taking the break, insisting that it was his legal right.

When he started closing down the signal box he said two managers arrived and told him to go home.

Campaigners protest over the sacking of Peter Lee who was fired for taking a tea break. See National News story NNRAIL; A long-serving railway signalman was sacked for taking a break during the evening rush hour. Peter Lee, who has worked for Network Rail for 44 years, down tools at Arundel station in West Sussex in January. He insisted he was entitled to a 20 minute break as his shift was over six hours. But the 60-year-old who said he ?has given everything? to the company was dismissed for gross misconduct in May for ?exercising his rights? as an employee.

Peters stunned colleagues are campaigning to get his job back (Picture: SWNS)

He said: I never got the chance to close the signal box as the managers approached me to suspend me before I could.

I would never put anyone travelling or working on the railway in any danger. Why couldnt one of them cover it?

He was suspended with full pay until May 18, when he was dismissed for gross misconduct.

Peter added: I started here as a box boy when I was 16 – its my whole life, and its completely shattered.

Im gutted. I have given them 44 years of my life, and now thats it – Im done. They have taken everything from me.

Chris Rodway from the RMT said: We believe there are safety implications. It affects not only him but could have consequences on a whole number of people who are relying on him being alert.

Campaigners protest over the sacking of Peter Lee who was fired for taking a tea break. See National News story NNRAIL; A long-serving railway signalman was sacked for taking a break during the evening rush hour. Peter Lee, who has worked for Network Rail for 44 years, down tools at Arundel station in West Sussex in January. He insisted he was entitled to a 20 minute break as his shift was over six hours. But the 60-year-old who said he ?has given everything? to the company was dismissed for gross misconduct in May for ?exercising his rights? as an employee.

Rail unions are balloting whether to strike in support of Peter (Picture: SWNS)

Were not asking for anything, what were demanding is that our members get what they have already won.



A spokesman for Network Rail said Peter had closed a signal box at the height of the weekday rush hour.

The company said: It is true that he gave notice of this intention, but he was given a direct instruction by management not to do so, was reminded of the agreed process that was in place and advised of the potential consequences.

He was therefore disciplined for gross misconduct in failing to follow a reasonable management instruction. His dismissal was later upheld at appeal.

Network Rail has a duty to protect members of the public and staff, together with upholding the operational integrity and safe running of the railway.

The provision of an additional member of staff for meal break relief at Arundel was agreed collectively with the trade unions following a grievance procedure in 2015.

The agreement includes a process for financial recompense when a meal break is not able to be provided due to short notice sickness, vacancies etc.

The signaller is well aware of this process, having received payments as part of the local agreement on more than 20 occasions.

If a meal break cannot be provided we work around it and agree a course of action with staff.

This local agreement has generally worked well, the right to a break being balanced with the requirement to continually operate a train service.


The agreement recognises that if an uninterrupted break is not provided, staff will not close the signal box as this would cause significant disruption to the travelling public, as happened in this case.






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