Home UK Rates of syphilis and gonorrhoea are through the roof

Rates of syphilis and gonorrhoea are through the roof


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Rates of syphilis and gonorrhoea are through the roof

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (Picture: Shutterstock)

The high rates of syphilis and gonorrhoea diagnoses in England have sparked concern.

Both STIs have increased by more than 20% in the past year, and cases of syphilis are at their highest level for nearly 70 years, new figures show.

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Public Health England, which published the figures, called for strengthened local and national services for the prevention and treatment of STIs.

A total of 7,137 new diagnoses of syphilis were made in 2017, a jump of 20% on the previous year – the largest annual number of reported cases since 1949.

Diagnoses were most common among 25 to 34-year-olds, who accounted for 33% of all cases, followed by 35 to 44-year-olds.

Nearly 78% of diagnoses were in men who have sex with men.

Treponema pallidum Syphilis bacterium, the bacterium responsible for the dangerous sexually transmitted infection syphilis.; Shutterstock ID 299898134; Purchase Order: -

Treponema pallidum Syphilis, the bacterium responsible for the dangerous sexually transmitted infection (Picture: Shutterstock)

While the overall number of new STI diagnoses in 2017 was broadly unchanged year on year, there was also a 22% increase in cases of gonorrhoea – a trend Public Health England described as concerning.



In March 2018, the first case was detected in the UK of a strain of gonorrhoea highly resistant to the two types of antibiotics commonly used to treat the infection.

The case was linked to travel to south-east Asia, but Public Health England has reminded GPs to refer all suspected cases of gonorrhoea to specialist sexual health services (SHS).

Total SHS attendances across England increased 3% between 2016 and 2017, from 3.2 million to 3.3 million.

Over the past five years, attendances have jumped 13%.

Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria, computer illustration. N. gonorrhoeae causes the sexually-transmitted disease gonorrhoea. The bacteria are Gram-negative, non-motile and kidney-shaped and often occur in pairs, being flattened on the side facing the partner. Infection occurs through the genital mucous membranes of either sex: symptoms include pain on passing urine and a discharge of pus from the penis or vagina. Some women may experience no initial symptoms. Untreated, the infection spreads and may cause sterility in women and urethral blockage in men. The surface of bacteria are covered with pilli which take part in attachment of bacteria to cells and surfaces.

England has also seen an increase in gonorrhoea diagnoses (Picture: Getty Images)

Councillor Izzi Seccombe, chairwoman of the Local Government Associations Community Wellbeing Board, said the rise in attendances was placing a significant strain on council resources.

She said: There is no time for complacency.

Unless greater recognition and funding is given to councils to invest in prevention services, a reversal in the encouraging and continuing fall in STIs is now a real risk. Health inequalities will remain and councils may be unable to respond effectively to unforeseen outbreaks.

Government must reverse cuts to councils public health grants because we cannot tackle this by stretching services even thinner, she added.

Figures also showed a drop of 8% in the number of tests for chlamydia.

Moderate red white blood cells with gram negative diplococci intracellular Gram-negative coffee bean-shaped diplococci bacteria responsible for the sexually transmitted infection gonorrhea; Shutterstock ID 641392510

The rise has sparked concerns (Picture: Shutterstock)

Public Health England noted that most of this decrease had taken place in sexual and reproductive health services, where chlamydia testing has fallen by 61% since 2015, a trend likely reflecting a reduction in service provision.

It recommended that local authorities need to enable young women to be tested for chlamydia when they access contraceptive services, and stressed the importance of statutory, high-quality relationship and sex education in secondary schools.

More: UK

Dr Gwenda Hughes, consultant scientist and head of the STI section at Public Health England, said: Sexually transmitted infections pose serious consequences to health – both your own and that of your current and future sexual partners. The impact of STIs can be considerable, with some causing infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease and harm to unborn babies.



Consistent and correct condom use with new and casual partners is the best defence against STIs, and, if you are at risk, regular check-ups are essential to enable early diagnosis and treatment.

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