Home Health UK adds Luxembourg to quarantine list, sets new restrictions in north England

UK adds Luxembourg to quarantine list, sets new restrictions in north England


Arrivals from Luxembourg to the United Kingdom will have to self-isolate for two weeks as of midnight, the British government announced on Thursday.

“There has been a consistent increase in coronavirus (COVID-19) cases per 100,000 of the population in Luxembourg since the end of June, with over a tenfold increase in total cases over this time period,” an official statement read.

Just as with last weekends announcement on making arrivals from Spain self-isolate for two weeks, the decision was announced hours before taking effect.

Meanwhile, on Friday morning, Health Secretary Matt Hancock explained on television the governments reasoning behind imposing stricter coronavirus restrictions in parts of northern England, including Manchester.

The new rules, which were also announced late on Thursday, ban people from visiting each other in their homes, although pubs and restaurants will remain opeRead More – Source

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