Home UK Jeremy Corbyn attacks media over ‘stupid woman’ row

Jeremy Corbyn attacks media over ‘stupid woman’ row


Jeremy Corbyn has attacked the media over a "phoney row" following claims he branded the prime minister a "stupid woman".

During heated exchanges in parliament on Wednesday, the Labour leader appeared to make the remark about Theresa May.

It prompted angry accusations of misogyny from Tory MPs.

:: Sky Data poll: Most think Corbyn's alleged 'stupid woman' comment not sexist

Video: Corbyn appears to call May 'stupid woman'

However, Mr Corbyn later denied he used the phrase "stupid woman" but had instead muttered "stupid people" in reference to those on the Conservative benches.

The dispute featured on many newspaper front pages on Thursday, while the Labour leader doubled down on his stance.

In a Twitter post, he accused "the Tories and much of the media" of creating "a phoney row about something I didn't say".

In an accompanying video, Mr Corbyn said: "Yesterday the Tories tried to turn parliament into a pantomime, tried to turn it into a pantomime when there are very serious issues.

"I was accused of saying something I didn't say. Did I say 'stupid people'? Yeah, I did because I think they are.

"Because I think turning parliament into a pantomime is an act of unbelievable stupidity.

Jeremy Corbyn has little to say on the controversy stirred up by his alleged 'stupid woman' comment in the House of Commons 0:21
Video: 'Goodbye to you all': Corbyn silent on remarks

"They should be facing up to the real issues that people in our country face about the danger of a no-deal Brexit with all the chaos that will bring.

"And serious issues about poverty, Universal Credit and homelessness within our society."

Mr Corbyn later referenced the death of a homeless man who was sleeping rough outside parliament.

Video: Corbyn: I did not use the words 'stupid woman'

He added: "Isn't that a shame to our whole country? Shouldn't that be a shame to our political system?

"It wasn't reported in most of our media.

"My anger will only subside when we've won an election to get a Labour government that will transform our society, that will make sure we are a society that cares for all."

Mr Corbyn's claim "most of our media" didn't report the death of the homeless man accompanied headlines of the "stupid woman" row as featured in The Times, the Daily Mail and the Independent website.

All three outlets had reported on the death of the man – since widely named as Hungarian national Gyula Remes – before Mr Corbyn released his Twitter video.

It was also covered by Sky News, the BBC, ITV, the Guardian, the Daily Mirror, The Sun and the Huffington Post amongst others.

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Official figures released on Thursday revealed the deaths of homeless people have increased by almost a quarter over five years.

An estimated 597 homeless people died in England and Wales in 2017, compared to 492 in 2013, according to the Office of National Statistics.

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Sky News


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