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Statement from MAP Chair on our commitment to safeguarding our beneficiaries from abuse and exploitation

The Chair of MAP’s Board of Trustees, Steve James, confirms MAP’s commitment to safeguarding our beneficiaries from abuse and exploitation:

Following the Charity Commission’s revelation yesterday that it receives as many as 1,000 reports a year related to safeguarding and sexual abuse in the charity sector, I would like to reassure friends and supporters that at Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) we are absolutely committed to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation. We have a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of abuse or exploitation by any of our representatives – whether a member of staff, volunteer or partner of MAP.

Given the environments within which we work and the complexity of our projects, the protection of children and vulnerable adults is critical. Safeguarding the health, safety and wellbeing of beneficiaries is, therefore, an integral component of all our programmes. We are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards within our organisation and partners; to the regular review of our policies and protocols; and to being as transparent as possible about our governance, activities and conduct.

Following a review last year, MAP’s Board of Trustees approved a new Safeguarding policy and strengthened the charity’s code of conduct for working with children. We are clear that the primacy of the rights of children and vulnerable adults, and prioritising their needs, must inform all actions in relation to the implementation of our safeguarding policy, including the management of any suspected/alleged abuse or exploitation.

Our safeguarding policy and code of conduct, applies to all those who work with MAP or on its behalf, including all staff, consultants, researchers, evaluators, trustees, patrons, volunteers, visitors and local partners. Everyone is responsible for safeguarding children and there are clear organisational and individual responsibilities.

We are committed to ensuring:

  • Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults is a mandatory part of our recruitment process
  • All staff, field volunteers and trustees receive training to help them meet their safeguarding obligations
  • All those working with the charity or on its behalf follow MAP’s procedures for reporting suspected or alleged abuse or exploitation
  • MAP staff undertake regular assessments of partner agencies and their capacity and procedures in relation to safeguarding
  • MAP will not work with partners unless they are similarly committed to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.

Steve James

Chair of MAP’s Board of Trustees

13 February 2018

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